Top 10 Diamond Producing Countries

Top 10 Diamond Producing Countries

The Diamond had been used for centuries to show love and worship to the intended wearer. It is considered as the symbol of endless love, royalty, purity and invincibility.No doubt diamond is one of the world’s most precious stones and a sign of luck for countries extracting it. In our society a person owning large quantity of jewelry of this precious stone is considered rich one, as we have seen the wealthiest people and famed celebrities parade their jewelry while going to their social gatherings events. This is the stone whose every piece has a persuasive story behind it. After going through the process of designing and polishing it becomes more expensive and precious.

Diamond History and some Facts:-

considered one of the hardest metal in mineralogy; did you know it is product of carbon? but those born in the month of April are fortunate enough to have the diamond as their birthstone. So this is considered one of the luckiest stones for that people. India is included in the first countries to mine this precious stone, after they were discovered during the fourth century BC Although India is still regarded as a biggest source of diamond around the world, as its fields had been depleted for years, yet still active mine Panna of diamond. South Africa became a leader in the production of gem-quality diamonds in the nineteenth century, and since 1980, Australian region can be said to be the leader of diamond mining. Diamonds are mined in Africa, Australia, Asia, North America and South America. Only in Europe and Antarctica are the regions where diamonds are not extracted at remarkable quantity. In those five continents, countries with the highest production also includes Botswana, Russia, Zaire and South Africa. Australia is currently the leader in extracting as many diamonds with best quality shine and grace. In 1990, Canada became the third largest producer of diamonds in the world.when compared to other minerals and metals, diamond is hundreds of times more precious and costly.

Top 10 Diamond Producing Countries


Top 10 Diamond Producing Countries

As jewels production seems to be falling in tandem with the economy, diamonds continue to be a smart investment because historically they have held their value better than other commodities here are the top ten countries with most of diamond extraction and production industries.

(Million Carts)
1.Russia Flag  RUSSIA15
2.Congo  CONGO14
3.Australia  AUSTRALIA11
4.Botswana  BOTSWANA7
5.South africa  SOUTH AFRICA5
6.china flag  CHINA4
8.Russia Flag  Russia2
9.Ghana-Flag   Ghanna1
10.botswana_flag_32  BostwanaLess than 1

