Showing posts with label Skin Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin Care. Show all posts

12 Tips For Skin Care

12 Tips for Skin Care
The skin is the largest organ of the human body, and is the body's mirror of our inner health and wellness, both physical and emotional. Mostly we take our skin very much for granted and don't spend much time thinking about the skin’s functions and their importance, until some problem occurs or we injure ourselves. looking after your skin is vital, not just for your outer beauty, but for maintaining your inner health and well being.

Here are some tips for proper skin care that help you get a radiant look, delay the natural aging process and prevent many skin problems.

Know your skin type

How you care for your skin is utterly dependent on the type of skin you have: oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun- damaged. Your skin type is determined by how much -- or how little -- oil your skin produces. Genes, diet, stress level, medication and even your skincare regimen all determine how much oil your skin produces.

To tell what skin type you have, we suggest you take the "skin test." Wash your face, pat it dry, then take a few pieces of rice paper or lens-cleaning tissue paper and press on different spots on your face. If your skin is oily, the paper will stick, pick up oily spots and become translucent. If the paper doesn't stick or pick up any oily spots, your skin is dry. If it sticks in your T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) then you have combination (or normal) skin. About 70 percent of women have combination skin.


Start early. People tend to think that skin hygiene can be postponed indefinitely. This is not the case if you want to have healthy skin in your old age. Start protecting your skin today so it can stay healthy and fresh as the years go by. Start simple. Who said you need expensive products to take care of your skin? Gentle cleansers or soaps are usually enough for the daily cleansing of your skin. Skip the Drying Soaps and Use mild soap. Stay away from harsh cleansers that are made of strong chemicals. These can dissolve your skin’s natural proteins and oils, thus doing more harm than good. Cleansing products should be as chemical-free as possible. Do not use deodorant soaps on your face! They are made of strong chemicals and also leave a detergent film behind. This protective layer will actually irritate your skin and clog your pores.
Use lukewarm water. The water used on your face should always be lukewarm. If you make it too hot, you will dehydrate your skin, making it more prone to damage. You may also scald or even burn your skin. If it’s too cold, the water will dry your skin. Besides, both hot and coldwater can cause broken capillaries. Be gentle. Some people think they ought to scrub their skin raw, but this is one of the things to avoid. You should instead be careful not to damage or tear your skin. Exfoliation is good because it will help remove dead skin cells, but be careful and so you will not hurt yourself.
Toning is ok. Toning helps keep the skin clear and firm, which is good. The best tones around are those containing alpha hydroxy acids and glycolic acid. Avoid those made with alcohol and those that are marked photosensitive.

Be careful not to cleanse too often. Washing at night should do you. (if you have hard water it can be especially harsh on skin). In the morning, a splash of lukewarm water is all you need (we find it's great for removing excess oils from your nightly moisturizing). Also be careful about overcleansing your skin.

How to apply? Always wash your hands first. This will prevent transfer of bacteria to your face. Begin with your hairline, as hairstyling products attract dirt. Then sweep the cleanser over your face and lips and then down your neck to beyond where you apply foundation. After you have applied your cleanser, massage it in gently with the balls of your fingers. Then leave it on for a minute or so to let the make-up melt away. After that, use a soft cotton ball to wipe away dirt, pollution, and cosmetic build-up – without tugging at your skin. Lastly, wash your face with water and a good quality face wash so that all traces of dirt are gone and your skin becomes perfectly clean. Be gentle with your skin, particularly around the eyes.

You should know your H2O. If you have super sensitive skin, consider testing your tap water, which can contain minerals that are especially drying to the skin.


Truth be told, all dermatologists agree that moisturizing your skin will actually help maintain your skin’s natural moisture. Moisturizers work as a protective sealant against the harsh elements in the environment and the daily wear and tear caused by our lifestyle.
By itself, dry skin is not the major cause of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging. However, since dry skin has a decreased capacity to heal, it is far more susceptible to various forms of skin damage such as sun exposure or harsh detergents. Furthermore, dry skin is also more prone to skin infections and irritants because it has many tiny cracks allowing the offenders to sneak in. Skin dryness tends to increase with age.

Most people over forty have some degree of skin dryness and need to moisturize. Skin dryness tends to be particularly severe in women near, during or after menopause - apparently due to low level of estrogens. Moisturizers are the traditional staple of skin care products line. Others may consider it the centerpiece of anti-aging skin care, while others may plainly just set its values aside. Special moisturizing care for our skin is needed when the humidity is relatively low because it promotes faster evaporation of skin moisture. Dry weather and indoor heating season also calls special attention to moisturizing. As moisturizers help in hydrating your skin by preventing the water from escaping or by slowly releasing water into your skin, it is best to remember that inside and outside moisturizing is necessary for best results. Keeping the body well hydrated is as important part of a beauty regimen as well as using those creams and lotions that everyone is fond of. Adequate fluid intake is the key as well as balanced diet and proper exercise.

Do use an anti aging product every day

A daily application of a one percent prescription retinoid lotion (such as Retin-A or Tazorac) can erase years from your face. Retinoids work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells while also generating collagen in the skin, Collagen is the skin's structural fiber, and as we get older, it breaks down, creating lines and large pores. Recent studies consider retinoids to be a miracle skin saver. Remember to stay out of the sun if you use retinoids. You are extra-susceptible to sunburns.

AHAs used properly not only rids your face of dead skin, but can seem to take 10 years off as well by reducing fine lines. These acids are exfoliants — substances that remove the upper layer of old, dead skin and stimulate the growth of smooth, evenly pigmented new skin. They also provide a skin tightening effect that diminishes fine lines.

CoQ10 is an antioxidant that may help repair skin damaged by the elements and improve collagen. The levels of CoQ10 in our bodies lessen with age causing our skin to be more easily damaged by free radicals and more prone to less elasticity. CoQ10 creams may repair some of this damage as it has the ability to easily penetrate skin cells. Freshness and the proper concentration are important. 
Serum is Stronger than cream. The reason is simple: it contains more active ingredients, but it also has lighter consistency that's why it absorbs quickly. Evening is the best time to use serum, just before applying the cream for night. Serums do not only eliminate anti-aging symptoms, they also brighten and hydrate your complexion, and are not meant only for mature skin.


The top layer of skin is made up of dry, dead cells that need to be removed to reveal the brighter, healthier skin beneath, So It's very important to exfoliate your skin. Your body sheds skin cells at an amazing rate every minute of every day. If you don't get rid of them, they'll just sitting on your skin making you look dull and dry. No matter how much lotion you use, you're never going to have glowing skin if you don't exfoliate. Use a scrub, exfoliating cloth or a Clarisonic facial brush once or twice a week. You want to be sure not to overexfoliate or use a product with granules that can tear at the skin. Rub the product in a circular motion for 30 seconds and then wash off. If you have oily skin, large pores or acne-prone skin, you can try an at-home microdermabrasion system. The process is gentle, yet extremely effective. You can get as well a microdermabrasion treatment in a specialist office.

Apply Sunscreen

The number-1 cause of wrinkles is sun damage, so it's important to use sunscreen from your early years, even in winter and on cloudy days. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause not only wrinkles, but freckles, age spots and rough, dry skin. It can also cause more-serious problems, such as skin cancer.

For the most complete sun protection, avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. This is when the sun's rays are the strongest.
Wear protective clothing. Cover your skin with tightly woven long-sleeved shirts, long pants and wide-brimmed hats. You might also opt for special sun-protective clothing, which is specifically designed to block ultraviolet rays while keeping you cool and comfortable.
Use sunscreen when you're in out the sun or even in cloudy days. Apply generous amounts of broad-spectrum sunscreen 30 minutes before going outdoors and reapply every two hours, after heavy sweating or after being in water.

Avoid too much make up

One should avoid too much make up on the skin as if you care about your skin and keep it healthy and clean, you would definitely not require make up to make it look good. Each skincare or makeup product has an average of 20 to 40 ingredients and you're introducing 20 to 40 potential allergens to your face every time you try something new.

But if anytime you had applied make up on the skin, you should clean it as soon as you come back home. Sleeping with your makeup on is extremely harmful for your skin, because it clogs your pores and causes skin irritations. Let the skin breathe without any make up on it. You can use a mild cleansing milk on the skin to remove the traces of make up.


Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients, such as vitamin A, that are important to skin health. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin — fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. In addition, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking — such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke — may contribute to wrinkles.

If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit.

Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The association between diet and skin health isn't clear — but research suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C and low in fats and carbohydrates may promote younger looking skin. . Too much consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol and saturated drinks can damage the skin

drinking lots of fluids

Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is important for overall good health because water is involved in and helps improve many bodily functions. These functions include digestion, absorption, circulation, and excretion. Water assists as well in the flushing or removal of harmful toxins from the body

The main stated benefit is that drinking a large quantity of water keeps the skin hydrated and prevents dry skin. Claims are also made that drinking water gives the skin a radiant, healthy, younger looking complexion with no wrinkles, and allows skin to maintain its elasticity and suppleness.

To have a good, healthy skin one should drink lots of water which is said to be at least 10-14 glasses of water in a day, which can be substituted with fruit juices too.

Sleep and Exercise

Good sleep and some exercise are also necessary, not only for your skin but also for health entirely. Exercise will keep your body fit. Wrinkles can form below your eyes when you don’t sleep well and less exercise results in skin drooping. In addition, sleep and exercise also help to overcome stress. Hence, this is also health care tip apart from any skin care tip.

Manage stress

Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin — and a healthy state of mind — takes steps to manage your stress. Set reasonable limits, scale back your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy. The results may be more dramatic than you expect. Try to be aware of frowning expressions and tension in your face, because you do not want wrinkles to form in an unpleasant way. Try to smile more. A pleasant expression will make you look younger.